Holidays/ Reviews

Six Tips for Fall Comfort

It’s been a long year and yet flown by at the same time. The best part of it being Fall is we’ve now hit the perfect opportunity for curling up under a blanket, drinking a hot cup of tea, and binging on Netflix with the pretense of its the ideal ‘fall activity’ [not that we haven’t been doing that since March].

In Colorado fall is a weird time of year the waffles between heavy snow and sixty degree weather, often in the same day. No matter what weather it is outside, staying cozy and relaxed is my prime concern.

Fall Comfort Tip 1: Wrap up with the perfect blanket

It doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside, I nearly always have a blanket with me. There’s just something comfortable about that extra layer of warmth, especially if the world is a bit unpredictable.

The Manolia Blanket from Teema Towel’s it’s perfect for enjoying the fall and matches any style of décor. At 94 inches wide two adults can enjoy watching tv with just enough warmth to be comfortable, or even enjoy an impromptu fall picnic under the leaves.

Find Teema Towels

Manolia Blanket

Fall Comfort Tip 2: Swap out your bedding

Fall is the best time of year to swap over to a more breathable sheet set, allowing you to better regulate body heat without having to kick up the whole house temperature. I recently discovered bamboo sheets and I really love how easy they are to care for all while staying soft through multiple washes.

Sheets from Simply Organic Bamboo are made from 100% bamboo viscose making them entirely natural and sustainable. Comfort can be good for the environment as well!

Find Simply Organic

Pillowcase set

Fall Comfort Tip 3: Fix the perfect cup of tea

Tea is good any time of year but during the fall it just seems that much better. After a long day I like fixing up a hot cup of tea before bed and reading for a bit.

Organic India is tea that’s not just good for the soul, but also the body. Herbs have been used for centuries to promote natural detoxification and lowering stress. With a focus on leading the industry with organic products and healthy living Organic India is the ideal tea for making healthy changes this fall.

Find Organic India

Tulsi Sleep | Tulsi Masala Chia | Tulsi Cinnamon Rose

Fall Comfort Tip 4: Unwind with your favorite toys

Now that it feels like we are working from home for the long haul jazzing up the workspace is the perfect way to enjoy a fall change of pace for the whole family. Toys don’t have to be just for kids and productive fidget focus tools can help keep you on task during a long day of zoom meetings.

I’m a huge fan of supporting neighborhood toy stores and Beyond the Blackboard is my favorite Colorado toy store. Founded by teachers Beyond the Blackboard has educational toys and games for all ages. You can even ask them to pack up a goody box for all your office mates as a fun fall gift!

Find Beyond the Blackboard

Crazy Aaron’s | Fidget Toys

Fall Comfort Tip 5: Decrease the Chemicals in your Home

With the windows closed and less opportunity to spend time outside, lowering the chemicals you are exposed to on a daily basis is a good goal for the fall months. Deodorant is the one chemical most of us apply on a daily basis, without fully understanding what placing those chemicals against our skin can do on a long term basis.

Pit Liquor is the solution to smelling fresh this fall, all without extra chemical and toxins. High-proof alcohol is less toxic than most other ingredients and it really works! Easy to spray on, you’ll be surprised how clean you’ll smell by the end of day. They even have a hand sanitizer solution, ensuring that you can be healthy and smell good at the same time.

Find Pit Liquor

Deodorant | Hand Sanitizer

Fall Comfort Tip 6: Relax with Aroma Therapy

To say it’s been a stressful year is an understatement. I’m a huge fan of aromatherapy to help me relax and when the heater is on its hard to find a diffuser that can really keep up with the dry air being pumped into the house all day. Goddess Garden’s Aromamood bracelets are the perfect solution.

Designed with lavastones each bracelet captures essential oils and To say it’s been a stressful year is an understatement. I’m a huge fan of aromatherapy to help me relax and when the heater is on its hard to find a diffuser that can really keep up with the dry air being pumped into the house all day. Goddess Garden’s Aromamood bracelets are the perfect solution.

Find Goddess Garden

Aromamood Bracelets | Essential Oils

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this content but did receive product samples to facilitate the writing of these reviews. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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