
Whats Bzz about Glade Expressions?

As a BzzAgent I get the opportunity to try out new products and share information about those products with my friends.  This month  I bzz’d in to receive samples of Glad Expression’s new Oil Diffuser and Fragrance Mist.

Living in a garden level apartment we suffer from a variety of critters that would like to inhabit our home without rent and it is a constant battle to keep spiders and other bugs out of my bedroom. As a rule, I don’t mind spiders but I would prefer to keep them off my person while I am asleep.

I had heard that the scent of lavender was a deterrent for these eight-legged friends so when I received my BzzKit I decided to pick up the Lavender and Juniper berry set. I placed the diffuser on my nightstand and have since not seen a single spider in my bedroom. I have found them throughout the rest of the house so I can only assume that means the scent is working to keep them out.

The diffusers are intended to last 30 days, but now that I am nearing the 2 month mark I am pleased to see that the scent, while less intense, continues to fill the air. Not sure if I will be purchasing the refill or not because they are pretty pricy, we’ll see how the spider population fares after this one runs out – if they return it is definitely worth the investment.

As a BzzAgent I received complimentary samples of this product and discounted coupons. My opinions are my own and I have not been compensated for my opinion or trying the product.

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