Event Planning

Easy Virtual Party Games

Planning a virtual party doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy any games with your guests. Adding in virtual party games is a great way to keep people engaged and prevent the lull that happens when conversation dies down. It also forces the folks who might normally hang back to participate in the activity.

virtual party games

Trivia Games for Virtual Parties

If your party has a theme, use that to select a variety of questions. For virtual graduation parties you may want to use trivia about the grads selected college or facts about their field of study. Baby showers might lend well to trivia about popular baby names or guess the product from a photo,

Create a presentation in Google Slides or use a tool like Kahoot to get folks interacting with the game. During the activity, share your screen to play along with the entire party.

Two Truths and a Lie

This fun game is a great way to encourage everyone in attendance to get to know one another. Before the event, ask guests to submit their set of three items (two truths and a lie) and create a slide for each submitted answer.

For added difficulty, make guests guess who submitted each set as a way to earn bonus points.

Guess the Baby for a Virtual Baby Shower

This is one of my favorite virtual baby shower games but could easily be used for a wide variety of gatherings. Before the event, ask each attendee to share a baby photo. Using either Google Slides or Google Jamboard create a ‘whiteboard’ of all the submitted images. Add a list of possible answers off the the side.

During the party, share the deck with everyone in attendance. Encourage them to add their own text boxes of guesses for each photo. Whoever has the most right, wins!

Show and Tell

Everyone loves sharing something that’s special. Just like back in elementary school ask each attendee to prepare something to show and tell. This works best if you provide a theme, but you can leave the question open ended if you want to see what ideas folks come up with.

One fun show and tell object is sharing what snack you are eating or drink you are consuming. If you use a theme, you could ask everyone to bring something that reminds them of their favorite vacation, or a drink from their college town. Use your imagination and you’ll be surprised at what creative ideas guests can come up with!

JackBox Games

Designed by the creators of “You Don’t know Jack,” Jackbox Games are specifically designed for group gatherings. The game host has to purchase the games to play from their computer and share their screen, but everyone else can join in from their own device.

Games have varying player limits but its possible to follow along as a viewer even if you have more guests then can play in the game. Jackbox Games are more like a traditional ‘board game’ and do not require the host to come up with any instructions or additional details.

Are there any other virtual party games you’d like to recommend? I’ll update this list with your idea’s and credit each game back to you! Leave a note in the comments with an ideas you have to add.

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